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Home > Cybersecurity > Reporting an email as Phishing on Desktop
Reporting an email as Phishing on Desktop
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"Phishing" is typically used to refer to fraudulent attempts to retrieve data from a user, most commonly via email. These attempts can be difficult to spot, however when you receive an email you find suspicious, you can report it right from your Gmail inbox for OIT to review. The following article will outline how to do so on a computer.



1. The email in the following screenshot is fraudulent. Click on the fish hook icon to begin the reporting process:



2. Here you will want to click "Phish Alert" to confirm that you want to report it as a phishing attempt:



3. You will then get the following confirmation message. The message in the example appears if the email was a phishing test. If it was not a phishing test, there will be a different message, but the process is identical.




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