Jun 07, 2023
OIT offboarding of an employee - Proper offboarding of employees who are leaving or who have already left the college is extremely important from a cybersecurity and business continuity perspective. It is critical that employee access to college systems be terminated as soon as a staff member’s employment with the college is terminated.
- For full-time staff and faculty, HR will send out an electronic termination form. This form will be sent to the employee being off-boarded, the employee's manager, and representatives from various other departments around the college. On this form, managers will be able to specify forwarding information for emails/calls, proxy email access, and provide directives regarding transferring ownership of user files. Once you alert HR to the employee's resignation, that will prompt HR to send out the termination form. It may take a couple of days for the form to go out. If it is getting close to the employee's scheduled last day and you (their manager) have not yet received their termination form, then we recommend contacting HR to inquire about the status of the employee's termination form.
- For Part-Time Employees (Excluding Adjunct Faculty): The termination process for full-time employees, as described above, does not apply to part-time employees. For part-time employee terminations, managers should submit an OIT help desk ticket to alert OIT of the termination.
Some important items to include in the ticket are:
- The employee's name
- ID number
- Termination date
- What should be done with the employee's emails, phone extension, Google Drive files, network drive files, local computer files, etc.
For any questions or concerns related to these procedures, please contact OIT.