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Working with Qless and WebEx
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Qless with WebEx Cheat Sheet for Staff



The basic procedure of using Qless with WebEx is as follows:


1.  Prepare for beginning service by connecting to VPN first. Do not wait until you are with a student to connect to VPN as your meeting could be disrupted while connecting.  Once connected, open and sign into Qless and your WebEx personal meeting room at the beginning of your shift. You can leave both open and active from start to finish of your shift.

2.  Once you're ready, summon the next student in Qless

3.  Return to WebEx and wait for the student to arrive in your room, then admit them



4.  Once you have admitted the student to your room, return to Qless and mark them as arrived, then return to your meeting


5.  You should now be speaking to the student via video call using your WebEx personal meeting room



6. Once you have completed service, the student will likely leave the meeting right away. If they do not, then you must expel them from the participants list on the right side. Simply right click the student and click expel towards the bottom of the list. You should be the only one left in your meeting room when you have finished with a student.

7.  Return to Qless and end your service with the student as you normally would.

8.  Once you have successfully wrapped up your meeting with your previous student, you can now proceed to summon the next student in line from your assigned queue in Qless.

9.  Repeat process


Other Important Notes to Keep in Mind:


  • Always make sure you have selected your own personal meeting room link as your classifier in Qless. This is extremely important because if you select the wrong link, then you will be summoning students to someone else’s meeting room


  • You are responsible for monitoring who is coming and going to/from your WebEx personal meeting room. Only allow the students you summon into your personal meeting room and always verify their identity once connected.
  • Your personal meeting room should remain locked at all times for security purposes. You will need to admit each student you summon into your room once they have joined.

  • Your PMR may time out after a certain period of inactivity. If this happens, all you need to do is open it back up.
  • When sharing documents or sharing your screen, students using their mobile phones may have trouble seeing the text on their small screens. Advise them to use the pinch to zoom feature to see more clearly what you are showing them.


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