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Home > Telephone and Network support > Reset your Voicemail PIN
Reset your Voicemail PIN
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These instructions are for any user that has a voicemail assigned. Departmental accounts or any shared extension NOT assigned to a user in Active Directory will need to be reset by admins. Please open a ticket if you require more information.



To reset the PIN for your Voicemail, please follow the following steps:


  1.  Click on the following link:


  2. Enter your Active Directory Logon information, the same username and password you use to log in to your computer.

  3. On the left side of the screen, click on “My Account”

  4. On the 4th line down – Voicemail account information - Please uncheck the check that reads “Keep current value”

  5. After unchecking the box, a box will appear asking you to enter a new 6+ digit pin. Please enter only numbers in this section.

  6. Please click “Apply at the top of the page. Your PIN has been changed to the new string.

  7. Click on your name in the lower left of the screen and select Logout to exit.


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