Oct 16, 2024
OIT onboarding of a new employee - This process helps insure that your new hire can hit the ground running on their first day by making sure they have access to any required OIT accounts or equipment they will need to carry out their job duties. The process works as follows:
- When a new employee is hired, HR will initiate the OIT New Employee Resource Request Form. The designated hiring manager will receive an email from Etrieve once this form is initiated by HR. This electronic form will cover the basics which are:
- Computer login – This is required for logging in to RCBC assigned computers.
- Computer hardware – You can request a desktop or laptop for your new hire as well as a choice between single/dual monitors. Some restrictions may apply for part-time employees.
- Network file shares – This refers to network storage drives such as an S: drive or a U: drive.
- College Telephone – You can request a telephone with extension to be assigned to the new hire.
- Location – Where will the new hire be stationed?
- Additional applications and access such as Colleague, RIMS, Qless, VPN, etc...
- If you have already hired a new employee but have not yet received the OIT New Employee Resource Request Form, then please reach out to HR for assistance.