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Troubleshooting laptop dock
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If you are unable to connect with your monitors, mouse, keyboard, or similar accessories, the most likely cause is an issue with your laptop dock (pictured bellow)


Depending on the layout of your workspace, the dock may be in plain view, beneath a riser, or fixed to the back of one of your monitors.


The most common model of laptop dock used on campus. Yours may be slightly different in appearance, but will feature similar cables and solutions.


The most common cause of dock problems are loose cables. If your laptop is unable to connect to external monitors, check the display cables on your dock. Even if they are not visibly loose, unplugging them, and then re-seating them, may resolve the problem. If you are unable to connect to the network, check the ethernet cable in the same way.


If you have ensured that all cables are secure, your dock may need a power cycle. To initiate a power cycle, first unplug the dock from your laptop, then unplug the power cable from the dock, as pictured above.


Once removed, wait for a count of 5-10 seconds, then plug the power cable back in. 


Once this is done, reconnect your laptop, and see if the problem has been resolved. If the issue persists, create a help desk ticket.

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